Track Object
Core Objects, Graphics.
Track Builder and Track assemnbly.
Track is built in freeform sections that are co-dependent with adjacent sections.
Each section starts with the ending vector of the preceding section.
The track guide is a pass through structure that allows the next track section to be built
then that data is shared with the next sectiomn to build from and pass on to the data to the next.
- Track - The TrackSections collection and what defines any coaster or track based ride.
TrackGuide - A helper structure that assist in building track.
The guide maintains data from the prior secion to feed into the track building agent to
use for building a new section of track. Built in functions provide some of the trig needed
to aide in calculating complex curves and 3D math.
TrackSecton - Track Section made up of elemental parts including the rail, ties and support structure.
This object generates and regenerates all the graphic objects used.