Theme Park Builder 3D The Game

Technical Design Document

Excerpts in this document taken from TPB3D Game Document (Game Design Version 6 PDF)

Artwork, Imagery and Video

Video media tracks loaded and played through SFML audio playback.
Images and Artwork used for static or rendered visuals.

2D Art and Animation

This is usually a texture laid out as a film strip and flicked onto a surface. Use the the simple animated graphic object as it provides texture based animation. This will be used with other alphas to project images on fog, water screens and glass.

3D Art and Animation

As of this writing, we only have vague specs on animating rendered objects through inverse kinetics!
Just as in the 2D animation we will also use mutiple alphas to create 3D animated holograms.
3D alpha objects are layers of alphas spaced apart to form a 3D object. Search Alpha Sandwich for details. Many rides will use them to add thickness to wheels and lap bars at LOD Zero. We will also use the parallax method to form bushes and leaves on trees. The objects and layers will be Z sorted so that the alphas are draw from back to front.


As of this writing, we only have vague specs on animating rendered objects through inverse kinetics!

Video clips

Not specified in the Game Doc but we can include an Open Source movie player as a plug in!