Theme Park Builder 3D The Game

Technical Design Document Main Application

Excerpts in this document taken from TPB3D Game Document (Game Design Version 6 PDF)





Core Objects, Hub, Graphics.

Game Settings

Game characteristics and settings get stored and retrieved as the game is started and exited.
The settings module stores the data using simple "ini" style files. Stores mostly last game opened, resolution, graohics settings, window mode and size if in windowed mode.


Create and Host the World object.
Create and Host the primary graphics view.
Create and Host the GUI Manager.
Create and Host the Event Manager.
*** Run the primary threads mail loop here calling the event handler and dispatch until closed or exception is thrown.
Catch unhandled exceptions to exit gracefully.
Clean up Hosted objects.
Close the Show.


Game Resources needed for the main applicationt run and versioning information about the build.